Sean Hallisey

Austin, Texas 78727 · (281) 635-4120 ·

I am currently a student at Oregon State University pursuing a bachelors degree in computer science. I am looking to learn new technologies while also improving my skills as a software developer.



Created a website that allows users to search for a movie or tv show and returns information about the watch providers.

People can create an account and comment on their favorite movies and tv shows.

Use The Movie Database API to collect information about movie/tv show queries by the user.

Technologies used: TMDB API, Django, Python, Bootstrap, AWS S3 for profile picture storage, Sq3lite for development database, and Postgres for production database.

Live View Code


Created game called Janngi

Janggi is a game similar to Chess where the objective of the game is to "capture" the opposing King/General.

The game will store all moves for all the pieces and determine if a King/General is in check. If the king/General is in check the only available moves for that player will be to get the King/General out of check.

There are 2 possible game modes at the moment. There is a 2-player version of the game where you can take turns with another person, and there is a 1-player mode where the computer will make random moves for the opposing player.

Technologies used: Python for logic and PyGame for the display.

Video Demo View Code

Yelp Camp

Created a website where registered users can rate and find campsites.

Handled user registration and validation with passportJS, and developed RESTful API with Node.js and Express.

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Express, NodeJS, MongoD

Live View Code


Created a web application to connect and collaborate with fellow developers.

Built an extensive backend API with Node.js and Express with extensive API testing with postman.

Protected routes/endpoints with JSON Web Tokens.

Integrated React with the backend, and use Redux for app state management.

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Express, NodeJS, React, Redux, MongoDB

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Simple website where you can search movies and compare some attributes about the movie you searched.

The search function uses the OMDb API. The OMDb API is a web service where you can obtain movie information.

Created an autocomplete widget, that can be reused for other projects, for the search function that gives the user multiple choices to choose from.

Used DOM manipulation with JavaScript to generate HTML that correspondes with which movie you select.

Technologies: HTML5, Bulma a CSS Framework, and Javascript

Live View Code

Blog App

Created a blog app that lets you search and follow blogs that interest you.

Use JavaScript to control a database and web browser.

Use JSON Web Tokens for stateless user authentication.

Implemented user registration, login, logout, and user generated content.

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, Node.js, Express, JSON Web Tokens, MongoDB, Javascript

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Github Finder

Search users using GitHubs' third party API.

Use API to request user infromation including bio, website, and the users most recent repositories.

Use React to implement components and App level state.

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap, Javascript, React

Live View code

RGB color guessing game

Created an RGB color guessing game to practice RGB colors.

Use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM to change and randomize colors.

Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap, Javascript

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